segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010

ViniciusSzabo07/12/09. todo

todo e pra sempre meu.
agora não falo eu calo.
agora não ensaio eu faço.
e pronto ponto.
não tentar, conseguir.
não deve haver falta de movimento-ação.
que sobre e não falte.
que mude pra melhor.

que fique pra ficar e que passe se bem não fizer.

terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

ViniciusSzabo12/01/10. noname.

If I could be the one that is everyone
the one that is nobody anywhere.
the unknow and the most known
to be the one, no one, to have a name
named noname.
no pain in vein, no barriers and guns.
a smile in a face.
but don't think too hard about it, I'm just a word mixer, and I'll continue to mix it all up.
I don't even mind, I'll do what I have to, anywhere, anytime.
that's the start and the end of this story
just imagine the speed, like a bullet, permanent!
growing on the wind, sleeping in the rain, see these bones, my bones.
What if I start now?
I'm not playing
Just say the first words that come along to your head
let me try to explain...
when it cuts.